"Cinnamon buns and great puns"
About us
Our majestic Thunderful Games HQ in Gothenburg towers over all surrounding buildings with its 4 floor large office right in the center of Nordstan. Here, almost 100 people from both development and publishing work on amazing games and projects. The office has the slick architecture of a Death Star, with the cheery decorative touch of an Ewok tribe, and has everything from endless stairs (don’t worry, they’ve got an elevator) to themed bathrooms and sparkling water on tap. Their huge stairs/meeting area gives great envy to their sibling offices, as they frequently sing karaoke and watch movies on their HUGE TV.
From our (huge) rooftop terrace, the Gothenburg office overlook the bustling city center with its canal, delightful eateries, a rich cultural life, and a fascinating past – all within walking distance! Gothenburg is Sweden's second biggest city. One of the city's best thing-to-do here is to visit the best Amusement park in Sweden - Liseberg (don’t say that to a Stockholmare, they will get upset). Also, Gothenburg is the world leader in cinnamon bun size, in terrible puns, and most charming dialect.
Fun fact
The Thunderful tale starts in Gothenburg. The two friends Brjann and Klaus decided to merge the ownership of their two game development studios - Image & Form and Zoink - and spent months trying to come up with a catchy name for the new venture. Naming a Gothenburg entity is a big thing: it has to be catchy AND preferably contain a pun or two. Dozens of names were suggested… and discarded. One day they entered a coffee shop and vowed to not leave until they had come up with the goods. And after a few hours of furious coffee drinking and namedropping, it suddenly appeared: that thunderous, wonderful thing we know as Thunderful.